Barbell Athlete Performance. Endurance Athlete Performance. Golf Performance. The EIM program involves three one-on-one and 16 group sessions over 11 weeks. Our initial goal is to help you reach the minimum level of recommended physical activity to maintain or improve your health based on the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Participation in EIM cannot be billed to insurance.
First one-on-one session Create an appropriate exercise routine. This one-hour appointment includes: Detailed discussion of your current physical activity and medical history Wellness coaching to assess and understand both individual barriers and strengths, as well as motivation and readiness for change. Collection of all registration materials, surveys and biometrics A tour of the facility.
Second one-on-one session Physical activity begins. During this one-hour, one-on-one session: You will review the details of your custom exercise prescription, which will be designed using the information collected at your first session.
Exercise prescriptions will include cardiovascular, strength training and flexibility components suitable for your unique situation. You should leave with a basic understanding of how to perform each of the prescribed exercises and why they are appropriate for you specifically. These group sessions or use of workout partners give you both a sense of community and a source of added support. Group sessions may have up to eight EIM participants, each with an individual exercise plan to work through at their own pace.
An EIM specialist will supervise all participants to ensure safety and modify existing exercise plans as needed. As your individual fitness or confidence levels improve, we will help you safely increase the complexity or intensity of your physical activity.
Each EIM specialist has the flexibility to conduct group exercises when appropriate, utilize outdoor space for group walks, or place participants into groups with similar interests, health conditions or fitness levels.
Final one-on-one session A review of progress and a plan moving forward. During this one-hour session, your EIM specialist will: Create an updated exercise prescription, accounting for improvements already realized. Modify plans based on your goals and resources.
This may lead to a home exercise plan or workouts at the Health and Fitness Center in New Albany or another Ohio State or partner fitness facility. Develop a wellness plan for the next six months, taking into account your accomplishments and challenges setbacks over the past two months. Collect all surveys and biometrics to support program evaluation. Veterans NOW Partnership. Physician Guidelines for Referral.
As part of this clearance, please screen your patient for any symptoms or signs of coronary artery disease CAD or congestive heart failure CHF. This year, we're ranked 1 in Columbus and 31 in the nation for delivering exceptional patient care. Ohio State is nationally known for our comprehensive, multidisciplinary rehabilitation education and training, we have been a leader in caring for those with traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury and stroke for more than 50 years. We are one of only five centers in the nation chosen to participate in the NeuroRecovery Network, which uses activity-based therapies for spinal cord injury rehabilitation.
Our faculty conduct advanced clinical and basic science research in areas such as brain and spinal cord injury, stroke, bone and mineral metabolism and EMG.
Our breakthroughs include life-changing technologies such as Neurobridge — a brain implant that enabled a quadriplegic man to move his hand with the power of his thoughts.